[Use of orally disintegrating olanzapine tablet for patients with cancerous peritonitis and postoperative gastric cancer receiving home palliative care]

Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2012 Apr;39(4):649-52.
Murakami N, Tanabe K, Yamatani K, Kitazawa H, Fujikawa Y, Amemiya Y, Shimada M, Kadoya S.
Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2012 Apr;39(4):649-52.
Severa nausea e pienezza addominale, associate a peritonite cancerosa, sono state ridotte dopo l'avvio di una somministrazione sottocutanea continua di acetato di octreotide.
Acetato di octreotide/cancro gastrico.

In May, 2009, a man in his 30s presented to the department of outpatient palliative care of this hospital. His chief complaints were of severe nausea and abdominal fullness associated with cancerous peritonitis following surgery for gastric cancer. Abdominal fullness was reduced after the initiation of a continued subcutaneous administration of octreotide acetate, but combination therapy with metoclopramide and domperidone did not relieve nausea. The administration of olanzapine orally disintegrating tables (OLZ-ODT) at a dose of 10 mg twice daily was associated with the tendency to reduce nausea. As the symptoms were relieved, palliative care at his home was initiated. The patient's self-discontinuation of OLZ-ODT because the nausea was relieved resulted in its aggravation, but it was relieved again when the administration was resumed. Subsequently, home care was possible for approximately two and half a months without aggravation. Maintaining nausea control well leads to higher-quality care. OLZ-ODT appears to not only be effective for relieving nausea associated with cancerous peritonitis, but is also important for disseminating palliative care at home.