The Di Bella Method (DBM) improved survival, objective response and performance status in a retrospective observational clinical study on 23 tumours of the head and neck

Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2012;33(3):249-56.
Di Bella G, Colori B.
Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2012;33(3):249-56.
Nel carcinoma della testa e del collo, l'uso combinato di Somatostatina e / o il suo analogo octreotide, inibitori della prolattina, melatonina, retinoidi, vitamina E, vitamina D3, vitamina C, calcio, condroitin solfato e minime dosi orali di ciclofosfamide ha portato ad un deciso aumento della sopravvivenza rispetto ai valori mediani riportati in letteratura.
Somatostatina, Octreotide, Inibitori della prolattina, Melatonina, Retinoidi, Vitamina E, D3, C, Calcio, Condroitin solfato e Ciclofosfamide/carcinoma della testa e del collo.

In 23 cases of carcinoma of the head and neck, the combined use of Somatostatin and/or its analogue Octreotide, prolactin inhibitors, Melatonin,Retinoids, Vitamin E, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Calcium, chondroitin-sulphate, and minimal oral doses of cyclophosphamide (50-100 mg/day) led to a decided increase in survival with respect to the median values reported in the literature for the same tumours and stages, together with an evident improvement in the quality of life, partial or complete objective responses and, in some cases, complete and stable cure with functional recovery. The rationale and the mechanisms of molecular biology of the treatment are discussed, showing that the treatment has a differentiating, apoptotic, antiproliferative, antiangiogenic and antimetastatic effect, and, unlike chemo- and/or radiotherapy, preserves and enhances the trophism and functionality of organs, tissues and immunitary and antitumoral homeostasis. This result, achieved without toxicity, demonstrates the efficacy of this biological multitherapy (Prof. Luigi Di Bella's method or DBM) and is in agreement with the positive results already published on the use of the DBM in various neoplastic diseases. We believe it is of use to report these cases to invite greater interest in the possibilities opened up by this biological multitherapy.
