Anno: 2012
Riferimento:J Pineal Res. 2012 Nov;53(4):366-73.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin could be a potential chemotherapeutic/preventive agent for malignant lymphocytes, where melatonin-induced apoptosis, melatonin can induce caspase activation independent from these receptors.Target:Anti-proliferative/pro-apoptotic effects.
Riferimento:Sleep Med Rev. 2012 Nov 5.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin suppression increased breast cancer risk, in night and rotating female shift workers.Target:Shift work
Riferimento:Recent Pat Endocr Metab Immune Drug Discov. 2012 May;6(2):108-16. Review.Azione della melatonina:Based on its Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator [SERM) and Selective Estrogen Enzyme Modulator (SEEM) properties. Its nocturnal suppression by light-at-night (LAN) has been considered a risk-factor for breast cancer.Target:Inhibiting activity of P450 aromatase.
Riferimento:J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 2012 Dec;32(6):290-7.Azione della melatonina:EMR increase the risk of breast cancer suppressing the production of melatonin which may modulate breast cancer through enhanced oxidative stress and Ca(2+) influx in cell lines.Target:Electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
Titolo: A randomized controlled trial of oral melatonin supplementation and breast cancer biomarkersRiferimento:Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Apr;23(4):609-16.Azione della melatonina:Effects of melatonin supplementation (3 mg oral melatonin, daily for 4 months) in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors.Target:Estradiol-lowering effects of melatonin.
Riferimento:Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2012 Dec 28;33(8).Azione della melatonina:Observational study on 55 patients affected lymphoma, treated with the Di Bella Method (DBM). The 1, 3 and 5-year survival rates are reported, together with any signs of toxicity. The patients were able to continue the treatment at home, carrying out their normal activities without problems.Target:Di Bella Method (DBM).
Anno: 2013
Riferimento:BMC Cell Biol. 2013 Jan 7;14:1.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin enhance DNA repair capacity by affecting several key genes involved in DNA damage responsive pathways.Target:DNA repair capacity
Riferimento:Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Feb;137(3):677-87.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin or a melatonin receptor agonist may be useful biologic additions in the treatment of some forms of triple negative human breast carcinoma.Target:TNBC