
Biotherapy with the pineal immunomodulating hormone melatonin versus melatonin plus aloe vera in untreatable advanced solid neoplasms

Nat Immun. 1998;16(1):27-33.
Lissoni P, Giani L, Zerbini S, Trabattoni P, Rovelli F.
Natural cancer therapy with MLT (20 mg/day orally in the dark period) plus A. vera extracts may produce some therapeutic benefits.
MLT plus Aloe vera.

Evaluation of an unconventional cancer treatment (the Di Bella multitherapy): results of phase II trials in Italy. Italian Study Group for the Di Bella Multitherapy Trails

BMJ. 1999 Jan 23;318(7178):224-8.
[No authors listed]
Di Bella multitherapy did not show sufficient efficacy in patients with advanced cancer to warrant further clinical testing.
Di Bella multitherapy.


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