Anno: 1994
Riferimento:Cancer Lett. 1994 Sep 30;85(1):105-9.Azione della melatonina:Antiproliferative effect was obtained by sequential exposure to 10(-9) M/10(-11)M 12/12h melatonin, which mimics the physiological rhythm of serum melatonin concentration.Target:Physiological rhythm/serum melatonin concentration
Riferimento:J Pineal Res. 1994 Aug;17(1):25-32.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin(10(-9)M) may inhibit the action and/or release of growth stimulatory factors as well as stimulate the release of growth inhibitory factors.Target:Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Riferimento:J Natl Cancer Inst. 1994 Jun 15;86(12):921-5.Azione della melatonina:Exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields reduces the production of melatonin.Target:ELF
Riferimento:Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1994 May 31;719:502-25. Review.Azione della melatonina:No abstract available.Target:No abstract available.
Riferimento:Cancer Lett. 1994 Jun 15;81(1):95-8.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin(0,3nM)inhibited MCF7 cell growth, effect of melatonin was reduced by the co-administration of 5-FU.Target:5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
Anno: 1995
Riferimento:Oncol Rep. 1995 Nov;2(6):1063-8.Azione della melatonina:Induce objective tumor regressions in most advanced solid tumor histotypes by low-dose IL-2 plus MLT (orally at 40 mg/day).Target:Interleukin-2 (IL.2)
Riferimento:Anticancer Res. 1995 Nov-Dec;15(6B):2633-7.Azione della melatonina:Patients with multiple myeloma showed significantly higher mean melatonin serum levels, increased secretion might be considered as a compensatory mechanism of regulating neoplastic growth.Target:Antineoplastic activity.
Titolo: The nuclear receptor for melatonin represses 5-lipoxygenase gene expression in human B lymphocytesRiferimento:J Biol Chem. 1995 Mar 31;270(13):7037-40.Azione della melatonina:Melatonin is a natural ligand of RZR alpha and RZR beta, down-regulating the expression of 5-lipoxygenase about 5-fold in B-Lymphocytes.Target:Retinoid Z receptor (RZR alpha and beta).
Riferimento:Oncol Rep. 1995 Sep;2(5):871-3.Azione della melatonina:Association of MLT(20 mg/day orally) may make TMX effective also in ER-negative metastatic breast cancer patients.Target:Tamoxifen (TMX) Melatonin(MLT) Estrogen receptor (ER)
Riferimento:Cancer Lett. 1995 Jul 13;93(2):207-12.Azione della melatonina:Direct relation between proliferative rate of cells and melatonin (10(-9)M) actions on MCF-7 cells.Target:Inhibitory actions on cell growth