Pasireotide (SOM230) shows efficacy and tolerability in the treatment of patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors refractory or resistant to octreotide LAR: results from a phase II study

Endocr Relat Cancer. 2012 Sep 14;19(5):657-66.
Kvols LK, Oberg KE, O'Dorisio TM, Mohideen P, de Herder WW, Arnold R, Hu K, Zhang Y, Hughes G, Anthony L, Wiedenmann B.
Endocr Relat Cancer. 2012 Sep 14;19(5):657-66.
Pasireotide (SOM230), un nuovo multi-recettore analogo della somatostatina (sst), in dosi di 600-900 mg sc è efficace e generalmente ben tollerato nel controllo dei sintomi della sindrome carcinoide nei pazienti con tumori neuroendocrini avanzati (NET) refrattari o resistente alla terapia con octreotide LAR.
Pasireotide/tumori neuroendocrini avanzati.

Pasireotide (SOM230) is a novel multireceptor-targeted somatostatin (sst) analog with high binding affinity for sst receptor subtype 1, 2, 3 (sst(1,2,3)) and sst(5). Because of this binding profile, pasireotide may offer symptom control in patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and carcinoid syndrome no longer responsive to octreotide LAR. This was a phase II, open-label, multicenter study of pasireotide in patients with advanced NET whose symptoms of carcinoid syndrome (diarrhea/flushing) were inadequately controlled by octreotide LAR. Patients received s.c. pasireotide 150??g twice daily (bid), escalated to a maximum dose of 1200??g bid until a clinical response was achieved. Forty-four patients were evaluated for efficacy and 45 for tolerability. Pasireotide 600-900??g s.c. bid effectively controlled the symptoms of diarrhea and flushing in 27% of patients. Evaluation of tumor response in 23 patients showed 13 with stable disease and ten with progressive disease at study end. The most common drug-related adverse events were nausea (27%), abdominal pain (20%), weight loss (20%), and hyperglycemia (16%) and most were of mild or moderate severity. Pasireotide 600-900??g s.c. bid was effective and generally well tolerated in controlling the symptoms of carcinoid syndrome in 27% of patients with advanced NET refractory or resistant to octreotide LAR therapy.
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