Melatonin prevents the estrogenic effects of subchronic administration of cadmium on mice mammary glands and uterus

J Pineal Res. 2007 Apr;42(4):403-10.
Alonso-González C, González A, Mazarrasa O, Güezmes A, Sánchez-Mateos S, Martínez-Campa C, Cos S, Sánchez-Barceló EJ, Mediavilla MD.
Departmento de Fisiología y Farmacología, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
Female mice were treated with CdCl(2) (2-3 mg/kg, i.p.), melatonin (10 microg/mL in drinking water), CdCl(2) + melatonin, or diluents. The effects of Cd are partially inhibited by melatonin.
Cd-induced carcinogenicity.

Abstract: Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal classified as a human carcinogen.


Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal classified as a human carcinogen. Occupational exposure, dietary consumption and cigarette smoking are sources of Cd contamination. Cd-induced carcinogenicity depends on its oxidative and estrogenic actions. A possible role of Cd in breast cancer etiology has been recently suggested. Melatonin, because of its antioxidant and antiestrogenic properties could counteract the toxic effects of this metalloestrogen. Our aim was both to determine the effects of relevant doses of Cd on mice mammary glands and uterus and to test whether melatonin would counteract its effects. Female mice of different ages and estrogenic status (prepuberal, adult intact, adult ovariectomized) were treated with CdCl(2) (2-3 mg/kg, i.p.), melatonin (10 microg/mL in drinking water), CdCl(2) + melatonin, or diluents. Whereas in prepuberal animals Cd disturbs mammary ductal growth and reduces the number of terminal end buds, in adults, regardless of the steroidal milieu, Cd exerts estrogenic effects on mammary glands, increasing lobuloalveolar development and ductal branching. Uterine weight also increased as a result of Cd treatment. The effects of Cd are partially inhibited by melatonin. In adult ovariectomized mice, Cd concentration in blood of animals treated with CdCl(2) + melatonin was lower than in mice receiving only Cd; the opposite effects were found in non-castrated animals. As Cd mimics the effect of estrogens, the high incidence of breast cancer in tobacco smokers and women working in industries related with Cd could be explained because of the properties of this metal. The effects of melatonin point to a possible role of this indoleamine as a preventive agent for environmental or occupational Cd contamination.
