Synthesis and CYP26A1 inhibitory activity of novel methyl 3-[4-(arylamino)phenyl]-3-(azole)-2,2-dimethylpropanoates

Bioorg Med Chem. 2012 Oct 15;20(20):6080-8.
Gomaa MS, Lim AS, Lau SC, Watts AM, Illingworth NA, Bridgens CE, Veal GJ, Redfern CP, Brancale A, Armstrong JL, Simons C.
Bioorg Med Chem. 2012 Oct 15;20(20):6080-8.
Il ruolo dell'acido all-trans retinoico (ATRA) e composti correlati (retinoidi) come agenti farmacologici ha sollevato grande interesse, in particolare per il trattamento del cancro, pelle, malattie neurodegenerative e autoimmuni. Questo ruolo è però limitato da una breve emivita in vivo.
ATRA/agente farmacologico con breve emivita.

The role of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) in the development and maintenance of many epithelial and neural tissues has raised great interest in the potential of ATRA and related compounds (retinoids) as pharmacological agents, particularly for the treatment of cancer, skin, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. The use of ATRA or prodrugs as pharmacological agents is limited by a short half-life in vivo resulting from the activity of specific ATRA hydroxylases, CYP26 enzymes, induced by ATRA in liver and target tissues. For this reason retinoic acid metabolism blocking agents (RAMBAs) have been developed for treating cancer and a wide range of other diseases. The synthesis, CYP26A1 inhibitory activity and molecular modeling studies of novel methyl 3-[4-(arylamino)phenyl]-3-(azole)-2,2-dimethylpropanoates are presented. From this series of compounds clear SAR can be derived for 4-substitution of the phenyl ring with electron-donating groups more favourable for inhibitory activity. Both the methylenedioxyphenyl imidazole (17, IC(50) = 8 nM) and triazole (18, IC(50) = 6.7 nM) derivatives were potent inhibitors with additional binding interactions between the methylenedioxy moiety and the CYP26 active site likely to be the main factor. The 6-bromo-3-pyridine imidazole 15 (IC(50) = 5.7 nM) was the most active from this series compared with the standards liarozole (IC(50) = 540 nM) and R116010 (IC(50) = 10 nM).
